Why Temping Is The Key To Unlocking A Fantastic Future!

June 4, 20130 Comments

If you are currently out of work but you have good administration skills then you are missing a trick if you’re not on a few temping agencies’ books. Temping is a brilliant way to gain experience and earn money while you are looking for a permanent job. It’s really easy to get signed up – just book an appointment to register. You will be asked to give a copy of your CV, and any relevant certificates. Then you will be given a series of tests to do. These include a typing test (this can be audio typing or copy typing or both) to establish the quality and speed of your typing, along with some basic tests to see how proficient you are at certain software applications. If they see that you know your stuff it won’t be long before you are on their books.

The concept of temping is simple – you are offered work for short periods of time to cover holiday or sickness. Sometimes it’s a week and sometimes longer – depending on the assignment. Or perhaps the company needs extra help during a particularly busy time of year. Whatever the reason, there are a lot of companies who are seeking multi-skilled temps to help them out.

There are loads of benefits to being a temp – here are just a few:

No Commitment

If you feel uneasy about taking on a permanent contract (maybe you are pregnant or perhaps you plan to go travelling etc.) then temping is a great solution. You can take work on to suit you, and if you know there is a time when you can’t work then you can just make sure you don’t accept work for this period. Temping allows you to take on as much or as little work as you want and need – with no contracts to sign.

It’s a Great Way In

Taking on a temporary assignment is a great way of seeing how you like working for the company. It gives you a chance to get to know all of the characters and you will get inside information about any permanent jobs that are up for grabs. It also gives you the chance to show them what you are made of – if you really impress them don’t be surprised if they go out of their way to offer you permanent work. Companies really value competent members of staff, and recruiting a stranger is always a gamble. They’d much rather employ someone that they already know can do the job.


Unlike permanent employment you’ll get paid weekly and some temp agencies offer holiday pay and sick pay too. You can choose flexible hours to suit your lifestyle and if there’s a place you really don’t like working you just don’t accept any more work from them!

Lots of people go on to find permanent work through working for a temp agency – it’s a really great way back into the workplace and you can earn money at the same time. Make yourself known to be a reliable and proficient temp and the work will come flooding in!

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Guest contributor, Henry Hudgens, has worked with many reputable temp agencies in Melbourne and is currently employed with Kaleidoscope Legal Recruitment.


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Henry Hudgens, has worked with many reputable temp agencies in Melbourne and is currently employed with Kaleidoscope Legal Recruitment.

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