What I Do
Get More Customers & More Orders In Less Time From Your Social Media Activity
Social Media Marketing Professional: If you want your Facebook Ads to feature in the top 3% on Facebook for responses and views, as several of mine have done, want a higher LinkedIn ranking for your preferred search terms or a more active Twitter page with a targeted audience of followers, then I can help you.
Facebook Business Page Manager: Do you have a dead Facebook Fan Page that you’ve abandoned? Let me bring it back to life or start a fresh Facebook Page for you. I run a number of successful Facebook Pages and have developed very cost effective Facebook Advertising campaigns. Contact me now if you’d like me to help you.
LinkedIn Profile Specialist: LinkedIn is a great tool for professional networking but very few people know how to use it properly. With a few simple but often overlooked tweaks to their profiles, I have quickly got clients to the top of the first page on LinkedIn searches for their chosen professional titles.
Professional Blogging: I’ve “guest blogged” for many blogs and am always open to fresh invitations, either on a one-off or more permanent, professional basis. I also accept blog posts from guest bloggers provided they are of the required professional standard. Many of them feature on my home page.
Send me a message on LinkedIn or Skype to discuss what I can do for you and I’ll respond at the earliest opportunity.
Contact Details
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pjjclarke
Skype: pjjclarke (just ask me to add you and give a brief introduction – calls won’t be responded to until I know who you are)
If understandably, you’d prefer a more “hands-off” connection until you get to know me better, then why not connect with me on my Social Media networks or join my E-Mail List where I freely share many of my best marketing tips and those from others which come to my attention (this is my own list which I never share with anyone else!):
Social Media Networks
I encourage you to check me out on all the Social Media networks on which I am active from the links on these pages. I’m always pleased to welcome new contacts and potential clients.
I also publish a free weekly newsletter, “Patrick Clarke Online”, curated from top sources which I recommend you subscribe to.
Social Media is a great resource for either engaging with potential and existing customers directly, driving traffic to your website at minimal expense and also for getting your marketing messages out. Many business owners are reluctant to invest time and effort into Social Media Marketing because they don’t properly understand it or wrongly assume there will be no return on investment or simply don’t have the time because they are far too busy running their businesses.