Organizational Stress

May 11, 20160 Comments

How To Survive Organizational Stress

In the most basic sense of the word, stress is simply how our bodies respond to changes emotionally, mentally, and physically. No matter where we are and what our daily schedule looks like, stress impacts each of us every day.

However, if you find that your workplace fills you and your coworkers with more stress than you can manage with little hope of resolution, your workplace might be suffering what is called organizational stress.

In environments with lots of organizational stress, employees are more likely to have higher medical expenses, call in sick, or even quit. According to research on employee stress (illustrated in the infographic below), these associated costs can cost American businesses as much as $300 billion each year.

While stress can often feel like a personal issue, it is a manager’s responsibility to understand the symptoms of organizational stress and assist employees in managing obstacles that can result in unnecessary stress.

You can find some examples of these management strategies, along with more information about how organizational stress can impact us, in the infographic below produced for Pepperdine University’s Online MBA Program.

Surviving Organizational Stress


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