How to Succeed in the New World of Networking Online
To thrive in the post-pandemic world of networking, professionals need to refresh their approaches to building their networks. Since networking online is the only option right now, it’s more important than ever before to try new tactics. Your digital personal brand is vital to your success. No matter your career path, there are opportunities to participate in remote networking through webinars, online workshops, and more. In fact, some of the best professional networking events are going digital and will be more accessible than ever before.
First, it’s important to audit your online professional networking habits. Do your virtual interactions reflect how you portray yourself in-person? Do you have a “digital handshake” that leaves a positive impression? Have you mastered the art of following up without seeming relentless? Being tech-savvy and virtually showcasing your soft skills are imperative to stand out amid the new wave of networking.
You need to convey not only your expertise but also your personality through a screen—much easier said than done. Digital events and networking Zoom calls give you the chance to connect with fellow participants and industry leaders like you would at a conference, but usually in a smaller, more personal group. Also, there are Facebook, LinkedIn, and Slack communities where you can connect and share ideas. Try not to be disappointed by canceled conferences and professional happy hours—there’s still plenty of potential for building meaningful relationships through online networking in 2020.
Try approaching networking online in a proactive way in the wake of COVID-19. With increased stress levels, it’s easy to do just the bare minimum networking-wise. Don’t fall into the trap. Focus on the advantages of connecting with fellow professionals online, try some new platforms, and make networking a habit. Below, check out a fun and helpful graphic from LiveCareer with tips on how to make the most of networking online.
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