Data-Backed Remote Work Well-Being Benefits

June 4, 20200 Comments

Data-Backed Remote Work Well-Being Benefits

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, companies all over the world sent their employees home to work at the beginning of 2020. Workers quickly adapted to working in their home offices and continued to work productively during this global crisis. Though many businesses moved to remote work out of necessity, as social distancing measures begin to loosen, companies like Twitter have decided to make this move permanent. The future of remote working has arrived and as more employees move to this new working format, it is important for them to realize the benefits of working from home, especially for mental health.

Though there are many challenges that remote workers face such as work-life balance and extra distractions, the benefits outweigh these struggles for most people. From the reduced commute time to the schedule flexibility, many of these benefits not only increase workers job satisfaction but also their mental health. This resource from LiveCareer details many science-backed benefits of working remotely and how employees can best take advantage of these benefits.

Data-Backed Remote Work Well-Being Benefits


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Haley Lyles is a Junior Content Marketing Specialist at San Diego based Siege Media

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